Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Special Eddition: What's the Punchline?

I have this awkward habit of finding myself in situations where it seems like the beginning of a horrible joke. But I never know what the punchline is. So here's a few of the ones I have now. Post your punchlines in the comments below and I'll pick a few later this week as the Winners. Maybe I'll even have a prize or two to give out.

1) Three Paladin's, a Rogue and a DK walk into a bar.....

2) So I'm walking down the street and all of a sudden I see this crow right in the middle of the walks right up to me and says.....

3) The Rogue was healing, the Holy Paly was Tanking, and the Priest was.....

Yes. I'm weird. Well, I'll leave you with a picture of my morning traveling companion.

Coming next week: The (mis)adventures of Miss Sophie. Every Thursday Afternoon. ^_^.

Hope everyone has a great hump day!


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Memorable Friday Night Quotes

So Friday night for me is Vampire the Masquerade night. This means for four hours I can flip through books, roll dice, and just plain forget about everything but having fun with my friends.

We're comprised of a rather eclectic group. Since most people are no longer familiar with the orriginal clans I'll go a bit into depth.

First off we have me. To my party members I'm Twiddles, to my friends I'm Mya, but to my clan I posses the impressive name of Miss Amarya Rochelle ConDoin. (Yes, I stole the last name from a book, name it!) That unwieldy name belongs to a meek little Tremere. I twiddle my fingers, say a few magic words and hope my spell works. :p Of course I also shoot things, protect older kindred and supply a drug runner with an extra set of hands in the occasional quiet moment. Back home, before she got drawn into this mess she was just a quiet little teacher at a community college, now she's the ringleader of a group trying to figure out what's what in Pittsburgh.

My female companion is a Nosferatu by the name of Laura. Needless to say, she's been nicknamed Stinky by most of the group. When I'm not dragging her around everywhere she spends her time either in the sewers looking for Sabaat, or wandering around handing out her business card to everyone on earth.

The final member of our party is a homeless Malkavian by the name of Paddy. His friends call him Patrick. We're not quite sure what his deal is yet, but he makes life interesting. When he realized he needed a way to fight back he convinced me to buy him a knife...and a toy gun. So far it's worked to his advantage.

So, if you ever want a good laugh, just imagine the lot of us running around the streets of your town. ^_^

That's it for me tonight, look for tomorrow's special edition of 'What's the Punch line?' earlier in the day than I usually post.

Have a good night everyone!
Lots of Love,
Kam, the Adventuress, Gamer Girl, and tired writer.....

Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Daily Grind

It's been an interesting weekend, and as usual I find it's over far too soon.

As for what I've managed to get done this week? Well I had a chance to sit down and watch the season openers of my favorites shows. This means I watched CSI, CSI: NY, CSI: Miami (Am I the only person who thinks David Caruso is reading cue cards behind those sunglasses?) NCIS: LA and my personal favorite, NCIS.

What I didn't get done? I played zero hours of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep (Oh well, it gives me something to do on the train) and I played zero hours of Dragon Age. Some gamer I am. Stuck playing WoW allllllll weekend long.

So tonight's topic is....(drum roll please!) Guild Drama!

What is guild drama? It's the problems that arise internally with a guild that make it fall apart long before it's time should be up, or it's the petty problems between one guild and another.

Why does guild drama exist? Unfortunately, because a number of people in World of Warcraft (Or any game for that matter) insist on acting like they're still in high school, despite the fact that many of them are adults who work full time and have teenage children of their own.

Internal Guild drama is normally just tension or arguing between two members that spreads out and drags other people in. This is the easiest to deal with thankfully. Normally what causes this is two members who just don't see eye to eye, or worse, they do and they can't seem to say it in such a way as they understand each other. It's hilarious to watch, til they start dragging other people in and making them take a side. Easy solution, demote or kick the troublemakers. The guilds better off without them.

What? You don't like that solution? Too bad, it's my guild.

External guild drama on the other hand is hard to deal with. For instance, this new guild on the server has taken a dislike to my guild because of a couple of people I choose to allow residence inside my guild. Because of this, without talking to myself or any of my officers they have started a campaign to tarnish our lovely name. This has backfired thus far because my characters are well known on the server, and have been around since the beginning of time ( or at least the beginning of Azeroth as we know it. ) Anny suggestions for how we might deal with this? I've already threatened to kick anyone caught associating with the offending guild, but it's a large guild....that we've already lost a few people to because they didn't like me...oh well. their loss.

Anyways, I hope everyone had a great weekend! Now back to work you lazy bums! (Just kidding)

Lots of Love
The Very Adventurous (and tired) Gamer girl.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Hi, Nice to meetcha!

So here I am, starting my own blog, talking at people who probably won't post any comments...if they even read this.

Even as I'm sitting here I'm wondering what the zot I was thinking starting a blog that I'm not even sure I'll remember to update tomorrow or the day after. I've been reading a lot of blogs lately to pass time and help pull me out of a funk and well, I guess I'll give my own blog a try.

First off, I hope one day I learn to spell properly. I can't believe I put Adventuress of a Gamer Girl as the title. That extra 'S' changes the context completely. Well, I guess I can be an Adventuress and a Gamer girl without leaving my comfy *coughnotcough* work chair. Don't worry, I'm not slacking off (much...) I'm on my lunch break.

Well, welcome everyone I'm glad you could join me. More likely than not I'll be boring you to sleep with my tales of life in the amazing World of Warcraft, or if you're really lucky, I'll regale you with tales of my other game habits. Of course there will be days when you get my geek-gasms over some Cthulhu item I found, or some new treasure of a book (What?! I like to read....)

Lets see...on tap for this weekend:

  1. Finish Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, I think I can do that.
  2. Attempt to not die in this weekends Vampire game...I can try....Why do only our female characters have guns?!
  3. Laugh at the silly little kids trying to tear my guild apart from the inside...Hey, you, why did you just /gquit?! Oh....never mind....we kicked you. :p
  4. Make some headway on Dragon Age Origins before the next one comes out....umm...damn it...where's my controller?....oh, under the empty pizza box....heh....
  5. Attempt to finish a chapter or two of the Hobbit....hopefully I won't fall asleep over it.

Somewhere in there I'm supposed to fold laundry pile is bigger than my king size I have to? oh...alright....*Starts folding*. Oh, and watch the new NCIS! ^_^

Well let me introduce you to the family before I get too far:

That big lug is my husband Zek (no, that's not his real name. :p).

The grey furball on top of the pile of clean clothes is Miss Kara, kitty princess of the entire universe (Especially when we need to get up and she wants to cuddle).

The rather large black and white cat you see staring at you from under my desk is Bazil. He's a bit of a scardy cat so you probably won't see much of him.

 These two furry balls of fluff are Pepper and Katerie. Who knew chinchillas had so much extra fur? It's everywhere! 

This slithery one is Sir Anthony Hiss, but I call him Tony. He's a sweetie but not very active.

Oh, and that beautiful scaly girl in the other tank is Sophia. We inherited her not too long ago. She was underfed at the time but as you can see she's become a little glutton.

And that's the crew for now...I'm sure it'll grow at some when I decide it's time to try not to kill a fish again...>.> Anyways! Glad you could join me. Maybe some of you will even come back tomorow.

Til then,
Lots of Love,
The Adventuress Gamer Girl.(Oh for goodness sakes, call me Kam....)